Reproductive Rights, Religious Liberty Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Reproductive Rights, Religious Liberty Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Op-ed: Will Iowa’s Abortion Ban Respect Religious Freedom?

"As abortion rights defenders in Iowa and elsewhere navigate an increasingly restrictive legislative environment, RFRA challenges are only likely to increase—and they have the critical benefit of elevating the abortion stories of religious people."

–LRRP's Dr. Christine Ryan

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Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Amicus Brief: Individual Members of the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana v. Anonymous Plaintiff 1

LRRP filed an amicus brief in an Indiana Supreme Court case considering whether to uphold a lower court ruling that created religious exemptions from the state’s near-total abortion ban.

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Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

The Abortion Exception: A Response to 'Abortion and Religious Liberty'

This article responds to critiques of lawsuits seeking a religious liberty right to access abortion, arguing that granting expansive religious liberty claims made by religious conservatives is both constitutionally problematic and normatively unfair.

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Reproductive Rights, Religious Liberty Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Reproductive Rights, Religious Liberty Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Op-ed: No Longer Content With Right to Opt Out, Conservative Christians Asking Courts to Eliminate Rights for Others — And They’re Winning

Liz Reiner Platt details our nation’s current trajectory, in which conservative Christians are able to shut down government programs they oppose, while religious minorities are left unprotected from threats to their religious practice.

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Religious Liberty, Racial Justice, Reproductive Rights, Civil Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Religious Liberty, Racial Justice, Reproductive Rights, Civil Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Parading the Horribles: The Risks of Expanding Religious Exemptions

This legal explainer explores how religious exemption measures threaten more than just LGBTQ and reproductive health, and can limit or significantly undermine workers’ rights, public health, environmental welfare, emergency response, religious pluralism, and other crucial interests.

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Religious Liberty Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Religious Liberty Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

All Faiths & None: A Guide to Protecting Religious Liberty For Everyone

This report offers policymakers guidance on how to protect freedom of conscience for all, not merely for a favored few. The report is accompanied by a media guide for journalists suggesting ways to think about and hone questions for policymakers and advocates claiming to protect religious liberty.

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Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Amicus Brief and Fact Sheet: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and New Jersey v. Trump

Prof. Katherine Franke joined an amicus brief in a case challenging rules that exempt employers with religious/moral objections from compliance with the contraceptive coverage requirement of the Affordable Care Act. The brief explains that these rules conflict with constitutional religious liberty law by requiring employees to bear the cost of their employer's beliefs.

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Religious Liberty, Racial Justice, Reproductive Rights, Civil Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Religious Liberty, Racial Justice, Reproductive Rights, Civil Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Religious Liberty for a Select Few: The Justice Department Is Promoting Discrimination Across the Federal Government

This report outlines the ways in which a guidance document issued by the Trump-era Attorney General interprets and expands religious liberty laws in a way that elevates the right to religious exemptions over other legal and constitutional rights. The guidance has been used to limit access to reproductive health care and threatens to limit enforcement of various health, employment, and anti-discrimination protections.

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