Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Amicus Brief: Individual Members of the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana v. Anonymous Plaintiff 1

LRRP filed an amicus brief in an Indiana Supreme Court case considering whether to uphold a lower court ruling that created religious exemptions from the state’s near-total abortion ban.

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Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Amicus Brief and Fact Sheet: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and New Jersey v. Trump

Prof. Katherine Franke joined an amicus brief in a case challenging rules that exempt employers with religious/moral objections from compliance with the contraceptive coverage requirement of the Affordable Care Act. The brief explains that these rules conflict with constitutional religious liberty law by requiring employees to bear the cost of their employer's beliefs.

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Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Religious Liberty, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Amicus Brief and Fact Sheet: Zubik v. Burwell

LRRP assisted the Counsel for Church-State Scholars in the preparation of an amicus brief submitted in the Supreme Court of the United States case of Zubik v. Burwell. We also issued a fact sheet exploring what women of color have at stake in this round of litigation over the ACA.

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